I have no idea where to begin.
To even convey a small fraction of what I have experienced in the last five days would be a huge feat, and to attempt to do so is a daunting task: I will have to post more frequently in the future...
I suppose I should begin at the beginning: my flight from Chicago to Amman.
It was long (about 12 hours) & I sat next to two Jordanian/Palestinian children (a 2year old & a 4years old) and their mom, who slept most of the trip.
We spent the flight watching Spongebob Square Pants & Allen and the Chipmunks, debating whether Spiderman lives in Jordan or New York, & trying to catch a glimpse of him flying outside of our window--the two year old, Jaabir, insisted that he saw him whenever I turned my back.
It was fun. I genuinely LOVE kids & while I couldn't sleep at all, they seemed to have no problem conking out for a few hours in the middle of the flight, so I did have
some quiet time.
When the plane began it's decent, Sammi (4) (in a very high pitched, excited voice) asked his mom for the zillionth time where we were going.
She answered, thoroughly disinterested, "Jordan."
Sammi replied, for the zillion and one-th time, "
My Jordan??"
"Yes Sammy,
your Jordan."
The first thing I heard when the wheels touched the ground was Sammi: "Welcome, Emi, to
my Jordan!!"
& then his voice disappeared into the burst of applause.
To say the least, the Jordanian people are unbelievably welcoming and hospitable.
love their country and their King (Abdullah II bin al-Hussein).
It is unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.
I promise to say more about everything soon.
For now, know that nearly all of the Jordanians that I have met are as enthusiastic, if slightly more discreet about it, as Sammi was when our plane landed in Amman & he was able to share
his Jordan with me.